During the year 2017
New projects were initiated:
T.R.E.N.D.Y. Project - TREND in dressmaking, design and BeautY.
56 scholarships in Fashion and Aesthetics.
COOPERATIVE. Project. - Cooperation for the improvement of the administrative Knowledge.
56 scholarships in Administration and Finance.
M.E.M.O.R.Y. Project - MEditerranean Memories and mObilities foR Young learners.
56 scholarships in Gastronomy and Food Service.
T.R.A.D.E. Project - Training Activities for the Development of new Enterprises.
20 scholarships in Tourism, Commercial Services, Marketing.
V.I.E.W. Project - Vocational International Experiences Working in Europe.
20 scholarships in Tourism, Art and Culture.
T.R.E.N.D. Project - Targeting Recognition of compEtences and qualificatioNs for inDustry 4.0.
20 scholarships in IT, Mechanics and Mechatronics.
E.Y.E. Project -European Youngs in Enterprises.
20 scholarships in Restoration and Marketing.
MOB.Y.D.I.C.K. Project - MOBilitY for Development of International Competences and Knowledge.
20 scholarships in the Agrarian sector and Local Development.
E.A.S.Y. VET. Project - Experiences Abroad for Staff and Young graduates in VET.
60 scholarships in tourism, marketing, IT.
Alternating SCOOL-WORK Project.
60 scholarships in Administration, marketing and tourism.